Tuesday 14 May 2013

Painting Space Wolf Grey Hunters

About the only painting I'll ever be able to do

This post is a bit of a change for the previous ones as it actually has nothing to do with computers which is actually quite an achievement for me. I've been buying Games Workshop crap products for what must be at least 20 years now, starting with the original Space Hulk and 40K Rogue Trader, up to 3rd Edition 40K (bit of a break for uni and not having money or space) and on to 5th Edition and beyond. I have a large portion of both mine and my parent's attics filled with the stuff and I still love it. The 40K lore, the miniatures, the hobby, the game - it's awesome. I am, to all intents and purposes, Games Workshop's bitch.

Though I've always liked painting I've never managed to really get the hang of it. But last year GW released a new set of paints and had proper 'For Dummies' style guides that even I could follow and so after buying more plastic crack that I didn't need, I set about trying to actually complete some models to a high standard. Here are the first off to be completed. What we have here is a squad of Grey Hunter Space Wolves:

Essentially, all I did for each was start with spraying everything with The Fang on top of a Chaos Black (or whatever they call it now) undercoat. Then I applied the base colours, followed by a wash, a layer colour or two and a final highlight to the edges of armour or pads. The specific colours used were:

  • Power Armour - Russ Grey (base), Agrax Earthshade (wash), Russ Grey (Layer), Fenrisian Grey (highlight 1), Rhinox Hide (highlight 2 - armour chips)
  • Furs - Steel Legion Drab (base), Seraphim Sepia (wash), Agrax Earthshade (wash), Mournfang Brown (Layer), Tallarn Sand (layer), Ushabti Bone (highlight)
  • Shoulder Pads - Mephiston Red (base), Agrax Earthshade (wash), Mephiston Red (Layer), Wild Rider Red (highlight)
  • Gold Areas - Balthasar Gold (base), Gehenna's Gold (layer), Agrax Earthshade (wash), Gehenna's Gold (highlight)
  • Metal - Leadbelcher (base), Nuln Oil (wash), Ironbreaker (highlight)
  • Bone - Zandri Dust (base), Agrax Earthshade (wash), Ushabti Bone (layer), Screaming Skull (highlight)
  • Black Areas - Abaddon Black (base), Skavenblight Dinge (highlight 1), Dawnstone (highlight 2)Administratum Grey (highlight 3)
  • Power Sword - Stegadon Scale Green (base), Sotek Green (highlight 1), Temple Guard Blue (highlight 2), Guilliman Blue (wash), Fenrisian Grey (highlight 3)
  • Base - Armageddon Dust (base), Agrax Earthshade (wash), Tyrant Skull (highlight)
This is basically taken wholesale from White Dwarf 388 (because I have no imagination). Some of the things I learnt while painting these marines include:

  • Power armour is quite easy to paint - base coat, wash and then highlight at the edges. Job done.
  • Fur is significantly more tricky. When I next have to do this, I'll avoid Mournfang Brown and just highlight up after washing the base coat of Steel Legion Drab. More practise needed here.
  • Little chips in the armour make a big difference and are easy to do.
  • The new texture paints, though awesome, can get *everywhere* if you're not careful with the brush. And they are a pain to remove if you get them where they shouldn't be.
  • A sodding HATE doing transfers on power armour. I'm guessing I'm missing something, but as far as I can tell, you can't easily put a flat transfer on a convex surface as, thanks to geometry and what not, it can't go flat - much like lining paper in a cake tin. I consequently had to put cuts in the transfers which (because they were really quite flimsy) made it a bugger not to rip in half. Add to that me forgetting about them, handling the miniature and consequently getting the meticulously aligned transfer stuck to my hand made this really rather an annoying procedure. I'll need to look up how best to do this in the future....

Hopefully this will help the next time I want to paint some Space Wolves. Next: on to some Necrons!

The full gallery can be found on my 500px page here. Enjoy :)


  1. Hi,

    First of all, I would like to thank you for posting this guide. It is relly helpfull.

    I must admit that I am just starting to paint my space wolves and I need some advice.

    I did some research on color schemes and the one that you used here is the one that I would like to achieve on my models. After undercoating with black and basacoating the model with The Fang I've applied Russ Grey. After washing it (I actually used Badab Black wash), I used Russ Grey again. The problem is that for me the armor just looks too bright and it is nothing like amor on your models, which by the way look perfect for me. Not too grey, but also not too blueish. Mine looks definitely more bluish and is way brighter.

    Could you please explait how did you achieve such color on the armor?

    After washing do you paint all the flat surfaces again with Russ Grey or do you leave them "washed" and just do edge highlights?

    Thanks for your help. I hope you will get this message.


    1. HI Andrzej,

      Glad you found this useful! As for what I used, it was basically like you said. Chaos Black undercoat, The Fang base coat over everything, Russ Grey over that. Then the wash and then Russ Grey again, avoiding the recesses where the wash is. The final colour for the flat armour areas is a slightly darkened version of Russ grey due to going on top of The Fang, (I only did one coat of Russ Grey after the wash btw!).

      If this is still turning out too blue/bright for you, you could try missing out The Fang stage and just painting one or two layers of Russ Grey over the black undercoat? Or doing a 50:50 mix of Fang and Russ Grey for the primary layer?

      One other thing is that I find the edge highlight has quite a big effect on the model (they seem to look quite flat before then) so maybe try adding that on a leg/arm first and seeing if that seems to tone down the flat armour parts. You may want to tone down the highlight if you're toning down the main armour colour though!

      Let me know if you need any more help! I'm not great at painting but I'm getting better :)

